St Mary Federation

St Mary Federation

Courage, Curiosity, Confidence, Collaboration and Compassion

Many people, one body, many gifts, working together

Chequers St, Docking, King's Lynn PE31 8LH

01485 518 344

School information

School information

Here you will find policies and information that are specific to Sedgeford. You are free to view them here, download them or request a hard copy from the school office.

For policies and information that are relevant to all schools in the federation visit the
School uniform
We ask all our pupils to wear our school uniform: a royal blue jumper with the school logo, white, blue or yellow polo shirt and grey trousers or skirt, both in school and when  representing the school at off-site venues. Wearing school uniform helps develop pride in the school and gives the children a feeling of belonging. It also saves time in the morning!
Lunch and breaktime snacks
We are extremely fortunate to have a school canteen, where meals are prepared and cooked on site.  We use fresh meat and vegetables in the majority of the cooking with a  vegetarian and packed lunch option also available.
The cost of the school dinners is £2.30 per day. Children can choose whether they would like school dinners or packed lunch on a daily basis.
We encourage all children to bring a water bottle to school, which aids concentration and learning.
Children who have packed lunch eat with the school dinners in the canteen.  As a Healthy School we strongly encourage parents to provide their child with a well balanced meal. Sweets and chocolate should not be included as part of the lunch.
Key Stage 1 children are provided with a fruit snack for morning break. Key Stage 2 children may bring their own snack which should be a piece of fruit, a cereal bar or a similarly healthy alternative or buy a snack from the canteen at a cost of just 50p.
 School meals are provided by Norse Commercial Services. You can visit their website at to find out more about the service they provide.
Home-school partnership
At Sedgeford Primary School we are proud of our commitment to working with parents in order to maximise the opportunities we offer the children. Our Home-School Agreement outlines the part played by the school, the child and the parent in effective learning.  We know that children are not always forthcoming about school so we provide other opportunities for parents to learn about the work their child is doing.
There is a termly class assembly to which parents are invited in order to see some of the work done in class. We send home a written summary outlining the work the children will cover each term and we offer the opportunity to attend Curriculum Meetings and other focussed meetings.
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